Medical condition wig units

Sometimes life’s situations can cause us to lose hair however, that's shouldn’t stop you from taking control of your image! Feeling confident, looking absolutely gorgeous and add more beauty to your life with Dezjuan Jackson's custom wigs. These are tailored to your unique specifications with the highest quality, ethics, and care placed into each fabulous design.

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Dezjuan Jackson



If you're in search for the perfect custom don't hesitate to contact Distinctive Dezigns in the Oklahoma City area. Finding the perfect wig after facing medical conditions that cause hair loss can be difficult and frustrating. Dezjuan Jackson is located in the Oklahoma City metro and provides custom medical condition wigs for fighters and survivors of cancer, as well as other conditions that can cause hair loss.

Medical Condition Wig by Dezjuan Jackson

Medical Condition Wig by Dezjuan Jackson

CUstom Designs For your unique person

Feel confident looking the way you want to look with custom wig designs. Our development creation process takes all of your hair desires into consideration and aims for the highest quality of customization. Don't hesitate to express yourself and let us help you find the style that drives your personality and unique look.

Insurance coverage information

Did you know that your insurance might be able to cover the wigs up to 100%. This varies depending on packages, providers, and circumstances, however, many patients qualify to have our custom medical wigs provided to you completely covered. For more information contact the salon during regular business hours.

As someone in the beauty industry, I’ve been looking for ways to help survivors and those fighting against life’s toughest challenges. I think I’ve found a way to reinvigorate confidence and beauty.
Never lose hope.
— Dezjuan Jackson



Dezjuan Jackson strives to provide top-quality service to his guests - reach out during business hours to setup an appointment for consultation and or to have your questions answered directly.

Located at Distinctive Dezigns
Call: 405.543.6314
Hours: Monday-Saturday 8 AM - 8 PM